The project “EURO-ATLANTIC: The European and Atlantic dimensions of Portugal and Iceland’s foreign policies” is funded by EEA Grants Portugal – Fund for Bilateral relations. EURO-ATLANTIC aims to address the determinants that champion for or against the membership of a particular regional or international organization and the reasons behind joining a number of them, such as the economically and defense-driven ones, and not others, such as the politically-driven. Overall, EURO-ATLANTIC will compare Portugal and Iceland’s trajectories regarding their membership (or non-membership) in a number of organizations and the impact it has had for each country’s foreign policy. The project is a partnership between IPRI-NOVA FCSH and the Centre for Small State Studies – University of Iceland, and will be implemented from January 2021 to June 2022.
EquipaAlice Cunha (PI)Duração2021-2022