Investigador Integrado
Ivo Veiga (Phd, University College London, 2012) is a history and social science researcher with interests in democratization, digital humanities, history of construction, and societal and political transformations. Veiga is the author, co-author and co-editor of diverse books and articles related to democratization, revolutionary processes, political institutions and their actors, namely A Prova do Tempo: 40 anos de Constituição” (Edições da Assembleia da República, 2016), Mulheres e Eleições (Almedina, 2019) and Os Constituintes (Edições Assembleia da República, 2020). He has delivered papers at national and international meetings organized by leading institutions in their fields. He employs several methods to examine different research problems and puzzles: social network analysis, quantitative and qualitative textual analysis, and digital humanities tools. He was awarded with the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Seal of Excellence (European Commission, 2017).